Tag Archives: Magazine

Mandy Moore: Shape Magazine Cover

Ryan Adams apparently is not crazy.

Look for a new, improved Mandy Moore come 2010. The newly married singer-turned-actress, 26, says that her days of letting a busy career get in the way of good health are over, and that she’s got a set of explicit New Year’s resolutions to that effect. I need to be more consistent about taking care of myself no matter how busy I am,” she tells Shape magazine in an issue to hit newsstands on Dec. 23.

That includes changing her diet – she vows to eat at home more with husband Ryan Adams – seeing a doctor regularly, and making full use of the dusty workout equipment she has at home. It also means taking a genuine break from her schedule, like with a trip to the Egyptian pyramids, Machu Picchu or an African safari. “The last time I took a real break was two years ago with my girlfriends in Costa Rica,” she says. “This year Ryan and I want to go somewhere that’s just for us – no work!”

Also on her list of resolutions? Learning to play guitar. “I can plunk out enough chords to write a song, but I’m completely afraid to play guitar in front of other people. It’s a fear of failure, I guess,” she says. “I’ve started and stopped lessons a million times, but I’m less likely to cancel or make other plans if I’ve made the commitment and am paying someone.”

Jennifer Garner W Magazine

Jennifer Garner is on the next issue of W Magazine, yeah we’ll take it.