Tag Archives: Finance

Christmas By The Numbers

From Bill Shrink

Financial Advice

Where to turn for financial advice?  I have parents how never taught me about finances.  I have a couple of friends who seem to have it figured out but for the most part it has been trial and error.  I have recently started to read a couple of blogs, my favorite is Get Rich Slowly.  I also watch some of The Suze Orman Show and recently The Dave Ramsey Show.  I can only stand Suze Orman for ten minutes and then it gets really annoying.  I think she has some great advice and is very honest and direct which I like.  I just do not like the tone that she gives out her advice like she is really high and all knowing.  Dave Ramsey can be a little boring for me sometimes.  He seems to be the male Suze Orman.  I think they both give good advice for basic investing, but would like to know more about actual investments and money management rather than should I pay my credit card off or not.  Let us know what yout hink and who you turn too for financial advice.