Tag Archives: Advertising

Online Advertising

I am making an experiment of online advertising.  I have a sister in New York who is starting a children’s musical theater camp.  It is a challenge to find the right marketing mix, and having just taken some courses I thought I could lend a hand.  I have tried to work with her on identifying who her client would be.

We have identified the potential clients and are now trying to put together a marketing plan.  We have a public relations plan, a direct marketing, and are focusing on online marketing as well.  We do not know have a lot of money to spend, and want to make sure it is well spent.  Facebook has been our first attempt into online marketing.  So far we have spent $70 and only had one person interested.  I think that is a very poor response.

The good things about Facebook is the ability to focus on a particular group by age, status, place.  The ads on Facebook however are not prominent and they are not very interactive.  It takes a lot for someone to become interested.  I would love to hear if anyone has some insider tips or tricks.

Blog Entrepreneur Lessons: Get Rich Slowly

This Entrepreneur is profiling Blog Entrepreneurs in a five part series in November. People who have found a niche online by providing information, education, and building a community of readers and followers to create a new kind of business model.

After accumulating $35,000 in consumer debt J.D. decided to do something about it; and he wanted to share his experience through a blog. J.D. Roth started Get Rich Slowly in April 2006 as an outlet and discussion as he tackled debt. The idea for the blog was born out of a post J.D. made on his personal site that attracted significant traffic.

J.D. grew up with a father who was a “Serial Entrepreneur”, and whose last venture employed J.D. after college. Not satisfied with his sales/marketing position he delved into hobbies, one of them being blogs and online communities. He had other blogs and has been involved and working on the Internet since the early 90’s. He had personal blogs and only thought of them as an interest and hobby. Since he launched Get Rich Slowly from a post on his personal blog he was able to start with a small built in audience.

So how does someone who likes to blog as a hobby and for fun become a business owner? Much like every other business owner, hard work, innovation, and some luck. J.D. started with a small audience, but fostered relationships online to build a larger community. He would not push the blog, but would bring it up naturally in conversation. He also wrote about topics he was passionate about. He found that when his content was the most sincere he would receive the most interest.

Get Rich Slowly was not started with a business plan or a marketing plan, but as an outlet and forum. It was not until a year into posting he realized there was business potential. J.D. has been able to leave his sales/marketing job and start a new one as a business owner.
Get Rich Slowly has allowed J.D. to tackle debt and help others find solutions to their financial questions. It took years of blogs and musings to find the right combination for success. It shows that if you are passionate about something that it can become a business. Make sure to look at for J.D.’s first book next year!

Take Away –
1. Content Is King – Readers will follow good content.
2. Become involved with an Online Community – Promote your business through an existing network.

This is a reposting from This Entrepreneur.